Adventures in feeling like an old man, day #1157
Saturday, January 19, 2007: The First Haircut!
For some time, we had noticed that Mia was gifted at looking at the world through a tangle of hair. Stacy and I were divided between allowing Mia's hair to just grow until she hits college (my position) or having her hair cut so she could see and so she would look more groomed (Stacy's position).
I held out for months, but finally came around, so Stacy made an appointment for herself and one for Mia, and we all began to get excited.

This is Mia before her haircut. Say bye-bye to those 70s-esque locks!
I held out for months, but finally came around, so Stacy made an appointment for herself and one for Mia, and we all began to get excited.
This is Mia before her haircut. Say bye-bye to those 70s-esque locks!
Here she is with her tendrils covered just before we headed out.
Check out that distressed face! Although she maintained an air of excitement about getting her hair cut, she seemed to find the actual sitting-in-the-chair part daunting, at first. She came to relax, and really enjoyed watching Stacy get her hair done afterward.
Here is Miss Pam in the middle of trimming Mia up a bit.
The finished product: Here are Mia and Stacy sporting their brand-new looks. Mia apparently aged a year, and I have been assured by many people that this will not be the last time I am shocked by time. This first haircut will pale in comparison to Mia getting her hair done for her prom, for example.
Do my girls look beautiful, or what?! :o)