July 17th, 2009Trash Truck
Because of the general disorganization of my bill-paying system (if you can call it a system), the trash truck from the company that services our trash-generating home (filled with four adults and two children) neglected to take our trash Thursday. I promise I paid the bill, though the check didn't reach them in time. Anyway, I went ahead and carted our full can into town and disposed of its contents in the shop dumpster.I think I am going to change trash companies. Not because they are wrong to cease serving us, but because they are snippy, and someone out there would likely be less so. That's the free market for you; right or wrong, based on fact, or on whimsy, the lousy public will do what we will do!
16 Jew-Lie (no antisemitism intended!)
This is a shot of the neighborhood beside and behind the shop where I work. I have had the opportunity to walk the streets back there and had the sense that there was a time--perhaps back in the 1950s--when this neighborhood was the epitome of the American Dream. Sure, the houses were small and tidy, but back then the "dream" was not that each American could have 4000 sq. ft. and a swimming pool, but that each could own something of a place of their own.Today, the neighborhood behind the shop is the American nightmare: crack houses and other homes that are badly in need of major renovation, trash, junk, dead chickens (yes, I said dead chickens!) and other wreckage.It's a different world from the one I live in, except that I am on the fringes of it for six to eight hours, Monday through Friday.
July 15It is crazy hot in East Texas lately. I know, I know; it is ALWAYS hot here in July. But this year is even hotter, and it has been this was for weeks, already. Enjoy a bit of this Texas sunshine, if you need some:
All this photo needs is a pair of sunglasses and a smile!
14 July
The Ride: Well bicycle tour is traveling back through Tyler this week; they are all riding across the USA to raise money and awareness about the problem of potable water in Africa. The problem is huge and very solvable. Their response is also huge, and it makes me wish I was riding with them.
Breakfast this morning for the tour was provided by Pause
11 JulyI went with Stacy and Jerelen and Jarrod to sing Karaoke. Whilst there, I had a large beer.
July Tenth, Two-Thousand and NineWe (the Davidsons and the Dickersons) hosted "Ribs at the Crib," and drew a decently-sized group out to Flint. A good time was had!
Garrick and his big eye at "Ribs at the Crib"