Meet Stacy...

also known as "Mommy" around our house, Stacy is a Speech and Language Pathologist who works for ETMC in Rehab. She works mostly with adults with brain injuries, including stroke patients. When I met Stacy, I thought that Speech Therapists taught little kids how to speak better--and some therapists do that, so I am not completely off base--but I didn't realize how much an SLP really does.

I was impressed with how quickly Stacy got through college and grad school (she got through both in 3.5 years, if my math is correct); I was soon more impressed when I found out that Stacy gets to teach people how to swallow and speak after they survive strokes, which is a very emotionally difficult time for most adult patients of hers.

Work aside, Stacy sings like an angel with a local church praise band on Sundays, but the best thing about her (to me, anyway) is that she is an amazing mommy to Mia and she puts up with me. Either would be a full-time job, but she usually handles both with a certain amount of grace. She is usually a no-crap kind of gal, so she keeps me in line, but she is also silly and fun a lot of the time.

Stacy took good care of Mia right from the start.

Stacy and I re-met at Christmas Eve service at church back in 2002. I saw her from the balcony and wondered who the new girl was; to my surprise, when she turned around she was Stacy, whom I had met back in 1998 while I was working for Marvin UMC and she was an intern in the music department. We swapped email addresses and the next thing I knew she was driving from Dallas to Nacgodoches to visit. We were off to a great beginning! Little did we know all that we would go through together.

Flash forward to today; Stacy and I have been married two years, yesterday, and every day we learn more about one another. Year one was a time of adjustment for us both--on top of the usual rigours of marriage, Mia came early. Year two has been a comparative paradise!

Here we are at the movies where we saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

I highly reccommend everyone try to make it to year two before calling it quits....