Welcome to the planet

Here we are--four months into 2011, and what have I shown the throngs of people who follow this blog so far? Nothing! You would think that I have been up to absolutely nada in this world. In truth, I have been terribly busy at work, and haven't been taking part in much of my usual activities, so I have had little worth writing about.

That is, unless you count having a beautiful, funny, full-term baby daughter as worth writing about!

Anna Kathryn was born on March 29; she was 18 and a half inches long (short like her daddy) and weighed in at 6.9 ounces (a whopping 4 pounds, 5 ounces aver Mia's birthweight!). Stubborn little thing that she is, she came out letting us all know that she has great lungs and a strong will, two facts that she continually reminds us at the Dickerson casa. She loves to eat; she had a few days of starvation while learning how to properly suckle, but she has made up for that time and is now about seven pounds. She is beautiful and very cuddly.

Aside from our collective lack of sleep, we are loving having a new baby to hold and feed and burp and change, and feed and burp and change. :o) She is one month old as of yesterday--give us another couple of weeks and we will share her with everyone!