9 July 2009

IKEA is so cool. They even have a play-area to allow parents an hour to lust for products kid-free....

Eighth-of-July, Two-thousand and Nine!

Happy Birthday, Suzy! (AND, WELCOME to life BABY AMELIA!)

Suzy, still sparkly-eyed after 44 years of schlepping this planet!

Amelia Lee, still cheesy-headed after wriggling her way into life on this planet!

July 07/2009

We finally purchased a bunk bed for Mia and Emily's room. Here's Brandon taking care of the minor assembly required...

Most of the "work" consisted of getting all the toys into a manageable pile so we'd have room to do the real work!

Mission completion!


The sixth was Stacy's birthday, so, although I SHOULD have taken photos that day, I evidently did not. Here's a photo of her blowing out her candle on the 4th at her parents' house....

One candle on this cake means one last year before hitting 30! :o)


Eric (playing "First Day of My Life," by Bright Eyes) being loved by Matt (Who HATES "First DAy of My Life," by Bright Eyes). Our Pause Coffee shop time rocks like that!

Marvin at 7:20a.m. last Sunday.

7/04/2009: Happy Independence Day!

I'm blaming the holiday for posting extra photos this time. BTW, what does setting fire to Chinese-made fireworks have to do with remembering and honoring the sacrifice of our Nation's founding fathers?


Mia shopping at the fireworks stand

and after!


Little girls are awesome!

Sugar and spice, all the way!

July is here: 7/01/2009

This is Bryan, the drummer for the band I sing with sometimes. He is a good guy, and is heading off to Baylor in the Fall.

B-Bake in red

June 30?

Seriously, I can't remember June 30th. Perhaps I was abducted by aliens or something, and they stole memories from that day. I wish I'd gotten a picture of THAT!

The taillight of a truck that was in front of me in traffic. I spend lots of time in traffic, so thought it should be represented here.