Bitter Sweets: Church Politics and Fried Bread

The 53 doughnuts left over after church last week (none to spare in these lean times).

There is a lady at our church who stops on Sunday mornings to pick up doughnuts for a fellowship area outside Contemporary Worship. She then polices said doughnuts, making certain that I don't take a half dozen or so up to the College SS class. She was so upset by my doing so that she actually complained to a pastor about it--their "remedy" was to have me get my students to come down three flights of stairs for these empty calories (yes, it would take several trips up and down the stairs to work off even one doughnut, but that's not the point).

Church politics extends to fried bread. This sweet lady actually placed her hand on my shoulder to stop me from making off with these church-purchased pastries and told me that SHE buys these doughnuts....

In my defense, the College class has always been neglected, aside from the roughly one month period when the church reaches out to let college students know how important their spiritual growth is to us all (insert irony here). I stole these doughnuts each week because there are always boxes of treats left over each Sunday--see photo above.

College students like doughnuts.

Anyway, I post this here to merely vent my spleen. I believe that whenever ego is introduced into a thing, even a good thing can quickly become bitter. And that's sad, to me.

I didn't want any damn doughnuts, anyway! :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eh, let sleeping dogs lie. That woman probably has no control elsewhere in her life and gets joy out of the small amount of control she has over the donuts.

You'll never win with folks like that.

I've never met a student who won't climb a few flights of stairs for free food anyway. :)